Group rides are open to DSS Members only.
"It's not goodbye, it's see you later."
Please join us for the last hoorah of DSS, closing up our 10th and final season teaching women how to mountain bike. Parks of Aledo is a great trail for beginners and first time riders, with a small skills area and six miles of fun and flowy singletrack. The addition of "The Bluffs" in 2022, a 3 mile section of singletrack, provides challenging terrain at the northern end of the trail system. It has several techy, but rideable, off-camber climbs for our Intermediate and Advanced Riders. Total mileage at POA is ~9 miles.
Misters are welcome to join us either to ride in the group you sign up for yourself, or they can form their own group. It's totally up to them. Please note that we do not have a separate ride leader for a Misters group. If your Mister would like to join the group you sign up for, they need to be registered as your guest! Post up on Voxer if your Mister is joining and wants to start a separate group.
The Wild Apricot for Members mobile app DOES NOT WORK to register guests! To register your Mister, login directly to from a web browser to complete your registration and to add a guest.
Post Ride - Change in Restaurant Location
Afterward we will all head over to Jakes Burgers and Beer, where there is a nice outdoor space, tasty burgers and a variety of drinks. It's right around the corner from the trail and we have reserved the outdoor space for all of our Sisters and Misters. This will give us plenty of room to mingle! In order for us to make this reservation there will be a limited burger menu in order to eat in the outdoor space. Veggie burgers will be available. If you want to order from the full food menu, you will have to sit on the patio or indoors. We hope you will join us as we reminisce over all the good times we've had in the last ten seasons of DSS.
Jakes Burgers and Beer
601 FM 1187
Aledo, TX 76008
Important Parking Information at POA
ALL vehicles must park at:
First Aledo Bank
900 Bailey Ranch Rd.,
Aledo, TX 76008
If you don't see the DSS van then you're not in the right place.

Huge thank you to First Aledo Bank and the Weatherford Mountain Bike Club for providing us with our very own port-a-potty!!!
Check in table opens up at 10:30am.
Please arrive early, have your A,B,C's done, and be ready to ride at 11:00 am!
As a reminder, FLOWY Groups will NOT stop to session and teach. The only stops will be to regroup. If you want to learn skills on specific parts of the trail then you must be signed up for a skills based group.
Skills Based Ride Groups:
- Beginner Skills Based
- Beginner/Intermediate Skills Based (NEW!)
- Intermediate Skills Based
Flowy Ride Groups:
- Beginner/Intermediate Flowy
- Intermediate Flowy
- Advanced Flowy
Skill Level Definitions
Beginner Rider - I am still learning how to navigate my way through the trail and do not feel comfortable riding through rooty or rocky sections without putting my foot down. Quick changes in elevation or terrain give me a hard time. I walk my bike up most climbs and on obstacles like bridges and steep downhills. Neutral and ready position does not fully come natural to me just yet. I am still learning to use my gears consistently. Riding down a curb is easy, but riding UP a curb scares me.
Beginner/Intermediate Rider - More times than not, I am riding with a strong neutral or ready position. I can ride over roots and small rocky sections, but am not always the best at gauging my speed, trail scanning, or picking my lines. I know HOW to use my gears but still find myself stuck in the wrong gear sometimes. Using my dropper seatpost does not come natural to me just yet. I would like more coaching to ride down 1-2 foot drops and learn how to perform a basic compression wheel lift. I can ride UP a curb but have room for improvement on my technique. Very slow speed riding can still be tricky for me. Short punchy climbs can give me a hard time. Overall I feel like I'm learning how to ride more obstacles but having trouble with consistency.
Intermediate Rider - You can ride for an hour at 7-8 mph with limited stops. You have a strong/stable body position and your balance has improved in slow speed situations. You are confident riding over bridges, through rooty sections and over some rocks. You can ride down drops at least two feet tall. You can ride through tree gates, dips, and up most short, punchy climbs. You are able to perform a basic compression front wheel lift and would like more coaching on pedal assist wheelies, manuals, and rear wheel lifts.
Advanced Rider - You are able to ride for an hour at a 9+mph pace without stopping. You can ride all the way up steep, technical climbs and safely down steep, technical descents. You are confident cornering at fast speeds and can navigate quick changes in elevation and terrain. You can ride through most rock gardens and off drops up to three feet tall. You are able to perform both front and rear wheel lifts ( pedal assist wheelies, compression wheel lift, manual, rear wheel lift, bunny hop).
NOTE - We appreciate all your feedback from our recent poll about our pre-warmup course. The results clearly showed that the majority of you enjoy the warmup but would like the time frame to be limited so you can have more time on the trail. We are on board with that and will be condensing the warmup to 15 minutes! You can help us by reading the skill level descriptions carefully and choosing the closest group to your current riding level. If we see that you would have a better experience in a different skill group than what you signed up for, we will let you know during the warmup. The goal is to help you help you progress safely in your riding.
This warmup course is a great opportunity to get one on one coaching before heading out to the trail. We generally aim to work on the same skills that match up to the obstacles we will be riding that day on the trail. This practice session helps to get loosy goosy and work on your body position on the bike.
(click the picture below to watch a YouTube video on A,B,C's)

- Helmets and closed toe shoes are required
- Bring your own water and nutrition
Ride at your own risk and please read the entire liability waiver.
Not sure what to bring? Check out our FAQ Page for more tips!

Group rides are open to DSS Members only.